Number Notes
Who is Your Ideal Partner?
We are all on a journey of growth and discovery, in this life and beyond, and our most significant relationships provide rich opportunities for our soul’s evolution. As you well know, we can learn a great deal from relationships that are not easy; but the truth is that most of us are seeking love, respect,…
2024 Integrity and Focused Action
Happy New Year! This year, as we open our new calendar for 2024, we are bringing in the powerful, expansive energy of Number 8. After the reflective, introspective energy of a 7 year, Number 8 usually comes on like “gangbusters”. In fact, some of you may be feeling like race horses at the starting gate.…
Number Notes for February 2024
NEW Cycle, NEW Month, NEW Energy! Welcome Number 1! I always think there’s something special about the first day of a new month; and today I’m happy to report that as the second month in our 8 global year, February ushers in fresh new energy and NEW BEGINNINGS. The 9 energy in January demanded a…