Number Notes for February 2024

NEW Cycle, NEW Month, NEW Energy!  Welcome Number 1!

I always think there’s something special about the first day of a new month; and today I’m happy to report that as the second month in our 8 global year, February ushers in fresh new energy and NEW BEGINNINGS.

The 9 energy in January demanded a lot from us; and I know that many people found it physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. Number 9 sometimes feels as though our energy is pulled in all different directions, and everything needs to be done immediately if not sooner.

As the BEGINNING OF A NEW CYCLE, Number 1 has the potential to assist us in gaining clarity, focus, momentum, and a sense of direction. It often heightens our ambition and strengthens our commitment. Many of us may notice that new priorities are emerging this month, and that some old priorities are coming off the back burner. It’s OK to put yourself first.

Author Wayne Dyer is famously quoted as saying “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Number 1 can help us to change our point of view. For some of us this can involve questioning long held beliefs about ourselves and our world. For others it can also bring fresh perspective and creative solutions to troubling situations that have developed in recent weeks and months.

Here are some proactive ways you can tap into the energy of 1:

This is a good time for planting seeds, both literally and figuratively. As you set goals for February, stay in touch with your “WHY” and develop a clear picture of the results you hope to achieve.

The mental energy will be intense this month. Take charge of your thoughts and make sure they support you in all ways.

Schedule in some time for physical exercise each day or at least several times a week

Focus your attention on one goal at a time.

Schedule quality time for yourself (Time is made, it’s never found.)

Take inventory of your strengths and talents.

In your journal, make a list of some areas where you have personal power.

Make a list of some things you’d like to do for yourself, and some things you are looking forward to.


PS  I will be teaching the Born to Thrive basic numerology course and the Advanced Numerology Mentorship course this year for the first time since 2019. There will be a detailed announcement in my February newsletter, coming soon. If you would like to be on our newsletter list, please send an email with the words Sign up in the subject line to

Vikki MacKinnon is an author, international speaker and intuitive numerologist. She can show you where your greatest strengths are and how to find your personal path of least resistance.

Picture Credit: David MacKinnon – Silver Fern Frond, New Zealand



