2024 Integrity and Focused Action

Happy New Year!  This year, as we open our new calendar for 2024, we are bringing in the powerful, expansive energy of Number 8. After the reflective, introspective energy of a 7 year, Number 8 usually comes on like “gangbusters”. In fact, some of you may be feeling like race horses at the starting gate.

Like every other number, 8 brings lessons and blessings, opportunities and requirements.  An 8 global year can amplify and accelerate social and political trends; and deepen the impact of current events. In some cases extreme ideologies may become further entrenched. This is a number of leadership and authority. As big governments seek to increase their power, it’s quite possible that they will meet with strongly led resistance.

7 is a number of secrecy, and 8 is a number of transparency and accountability. Corruption and devious motives that were readily hidden in 2023 will quickly come to light in 2024. There is a strong sense here that individuals in positions of authority will find it very hard to continue to enjoy a life of privilege if it involves misuse of public funds. We won’t necessarily be happy with what we see but awareness is the first critical step in making things right. 

Number 8 is the number of justice and the legal system. This year we will see the culmination of high profile legal cases. Justice will be served, and, more important, it will be seen to be served.

In keeping with the theme of justice, an 8 year is also a year of Karma. Another way to look at it is that it’s a time of harvest. Either we reap the rewards of the good that we have done and the effort that we have put in over the past seven years, or, if we have not honoured truth and right action, we come face to face with a major reality check. We cannot hide our head in the sand and ignore it. The numeral for number 8 symbolizes the saying “What goes around comes around.”

The symmetry of this numeral also represents the principle “As Above, So Below.”In other words what we put out into the Universe with our thoughts, intentions, and beliefs, manifests for us in the physical world. This is true every year; but because of the amplifying nature of number 8, the results are typically much more dramatic and far reaching.

8 is a number of strength – physical, mental, emotional strength and strength of character. It is a bold and decisive energy that gifts us – both individually and collectively – with clarity, strength of purpose, a sense of direction, and a commitment to action.

An 8 year turns our focus to our own financial stability. It can be a very positive influence for entrepreneurs. Whether you have a storefront business or a home based business, it’s entirely likely that new possibilities will open up. There will be growth, added responsibilities and a strong likelihood of financial increase for those who are diligent and remain in integrity. (Roll your sleeves up and maintain a vision for your success.)

Some industries and initiatives that typically gain momentum in an 8 year include:

Financial planning, banking, and accounting

Entrepreneurial ventures, sales, and marketing

Public speaking

Business coaching and networking

Legal and political reform


Fitness, body building, personal training, competitive sports

Since ancient times 8 has been known as the number of abundance and financial success. Yet to reap its benefits it is necessary to maintain exquisite balance between the material world and the spiritual world. Whether you are retired, self-employed, or in the work force, this year you have access to the gifts of Number 8. If you are unemployed and looking for work, you are likely to find a satisfactory situation by February or March.

Here are a few of the ways that you can engage proactively with the power and Magic of 8, for Peace of Mind and Positive Results

  1. Believe that you are worthy to succeed and prosper.
  1. Practice good money management.
  1. Show gratitude every day
  1. Keep the energy of abundance flowing by giving to others within your means.
  1.  Make fitness and physical well-being a priority.
  1. Be consistent with your efforts.
  1.  Gather information before you make commitments; then keep your promises
  1. Get out and meet people – Show up and move up.

Wishing you success and prosperity in 2024.

Want to know more about how you can work with Number 8? My new book, The Magic of 8 –How to Recognize, Activate, and Integrate the Energy of Prosperity, is now available on Amazon

Photo Credit: David MacKinnon Punakaiki NZ



