One thing I love about the cycle of 9 is that as each day, month, and year comes along it gives us opportunities to reconnect with the energy of that number, reacquaint ourselves with the various themes that number brings to our awareness, gain new insights and refresh our understanding on a very personal level.
Somehow it seems appropriate, as the days have grown shorter and colder here in the northern hemisphere, that some of us are finding that we’re tired, and we want to withdraw and rest. Many of us long for more peaceful surroundings and a lighter schedule. Now is the time to follow that urge.
As I write this we are one third of the way through a difficult and emotionally charged month. Many of us have felt like we’ve been wading through a thick and murky fog of mixed feelings since the latter half of October. Collectively we are in a 1 global month. It is time for us to rise above fear and sadness, to acknowledge our authentic power, and stand in our strength.
It’s when the earth shakes
And foundations crumble,
That our light is called to rise up.
And when everything falls away
And shakes us to the core
And awakens all of our hidden ghosts
That we dig deeper to find once inaccessible strength.
It’s in times when division is fierce
That we must reach for each other
And hold each other much, much tighter.
Do not fall away now.
This is the time to rise.
Your light is being summoned.
Your integrity is being tested,
That it may stand more tall.
Rise and find the strength in your heart.
Rise and find the strength in each other.
Burn through your devastation.
Make it your fuel.
Bring forth your light.
Now is not the time to be afraid of the dark. – Chelan Harkin
Number 1 calls us to be selfish in the healthiest sense of that word, and for many of us that can mean taking more time for ourselves, turning inward; and really paying attention to our process of learning and growth.
Although I am still seeing clients and teaching, for the first few months of my 1 personal year (which began in October), I have significantly slowed my pace and simplified my schedule. I have been giving myself time to replenish, reassess personal and professional goals and priorities, and gain a clearer sense of direction for this new nine year cycle.
My family and friends still and always will hold a huge place in my heart. I still and always will strive for excellence in my service to clients; and I have added a new quest this year. That is to bring more balance between work and fun, effort and rest, so that I will have more energy to create and attract more life enhancing experiences me and my husband.
When we strive to make our lives as rich and rewarding as possible, we have so much more to give to others. I will revisit number 1 in January and explore some of the other themes that may emerge.
Meanwhile, here’s a gem of wisdom from my grandson, Ethan: “Have the courage to live the life you know you’re capable of living.”
The Language of 1
Here are some words that add up to 1 and help to convey the essence of its energy:
SIMPLIFY (46/1) Number 1 encourages us to keep our personal space free of clutter, and to delegate and release roles or responsibilities that are draining our energy. I once typed the word “release” into my i-phone. It auto-corrected to “real ease” Thank you auto-correct!
FOCUS: (19/1) The 1 energy assists us in finding a sense of direction, clarity, and focus. It guides us to avoid multi-tasking. We will always achieve more, (with better results ) when we focus on one thing at a time. What are you focusing on this week?