Happy December. Today we are beginning an 11 global month. This can be a time of rapid, and sometimes uncomfortable change, shifting priorities, and unexpected “plot twists”.
It’s true that every number brings lessons and requirements, and that sometimes these can be rigorous; however, every number also brings gifts, blessings, and opportunities.
11 is a number of illumination, and just as it can shed its light on dark areas we may not wish to see, it can also shed its light on “all things bright and beautiful.”
Today I want to focus on the gifts and opportunities of number 11.
Number 11 carries a lot of mental energy. It’s original, adaptable and innovative. You may find that you are “downloading” ideas and information that can help you get clear on what you want and what your next best action step could be.
In addition to mental clarity, number 11 strengthens our intuitive power, therefore adding to clarity about what we need to avoid, what we need to do, and when we need to do it.
This will be a time of expanded consciousness. You may find that you are seeing patterns, receiving messages, experiencing synchronicities, or having vivid dreams; all of which can help you to understand yourself and your circumstances, and find resolutions to situations that may be holding you back.
Those who remain mindful and alert during an 11 temporary vibration have access to a level of inspiration and creativity that can help with problem solving as well as scientific and artistic projects.
This is a number of influence, leadership, and personal magnetism. You can use this energy to promote any worthwhile cause that you believe in and to accomplish positive results for yourself and others.
Experience the energies around you with conscious awareness. Spend time with people who are kind, calm, and positive in outlook.
Be mindful of the effects of your surroundings and take steps to minimize chaos and confusion.
Be discerning in terms of what you watch on TV or in the movies, and what you read. Nothing is neutral and everything you take into your consciousness will either raise or lower your vibration.
Today we have a NEW MOON. Its positive energy and benefits will be with us for up to one week from today. This is known to be a favourable time to set intentions for ourselves and others.
This is a number of MANIFESTATION Get clear on short and long term goals. Know what you want and why you want it. Write about it. Use visualization and empowering language and really work that Law of Attraction. I like this mantra from Nicholas Ashbaugh, who is one of my favourite You Tube presenters: “Think it, say it, write it, believe it, and see it.”
The language of eleven is the language of idealism, power and passion.
Here are some words that can help us focus on the bright side of this energy:
ENERGY (38/11) Nothing is neutral. Everything you take into your consciousness, every place you visit, everything you read or view, every interaction you have, every thought you choose to hold will either enhance or diminish your energy. It’s so important to be mindful of the energy around us – especially in an 11 global month.
LIGHT (29/11) Just like we must be the change we wish to see, we must also be the light we wish to see. (Both words, change and light, add up to 11.) On most e-readers and tablets you will find a setting to adjust brightness. Here’s a good question for all of us: How do I let my light shine? Can I make it even brighter?
LAUGHTER (38/11)You can change your life by cultivating your sense of humour. Who or what makes you laugh? Bring laughter into your life and you will begin the process of attracting the people and circumstances that make life worth living. “Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.” – Japanese proverb