Number Notes for April 2024

We are well into our 8 global year by now, and after the first week in April (8+4= 12/3) you may have noticed that this combination of 8 and 3 further amplifies and accelerates developments in our lives and beyond. As many of you are aware we also have some major astrological events coming up, events that are considered to precipitate major changes. .

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at this time, not only by the intensity of world events but also by the increasing complexities and stringent demands of our own personal roles and responsibilities. You may have found that you often have an emotional response to much of what you’re hearing and seeing.

Not just this month, but over the next three months it will be important to be aware of the affect that watching world news has on our mental and emotional health, our family’s well-being, and our significant relationships. 8 is a number of leadership, transparency, and accountability. It seems that there are some major political changes on the way; however at this time we might all feel better if we focus our attention, and positive intentions, on our family and  community – in other words on areas where we can actually have some input.

I recently heard someone use the phrase, “The Power of the Pause”.  Pace yourself and schedule some down time for yourself and those you love. Some of you may be in the fortunate position of being able to take your partner or family on a vacation, (or go on your own); but even if that is not possible it’s amazing how a day trip or even a couple of hours at a local park can help you reset. Notice I said at a park, not a shopping mall.

We all benefit from having a community of “kindred spirits.” Many of us have several “friendly acquaintances”, people we see briefly and think we might like to know better. Number 3 typically favours social contact so this could be a good time to connect for coffee or a Zoom visit.

Did you know that number 3 favours art and creative expression? Have you got an artistic or creative project on the back burner? Something you started and enjoyed but had to put aside?  Take it off and spend some time on it. It will lift your spirits and give you a sense of accomplishment.

As the number of the inner child, a 3 month often brings our attention to matters involving children. This can take the form of advocacy; and it can also bring opportunities to enjoy quality time with our own children or grandchildren. Every time you play a game, read a story, or in some way enjoy positive interaction with a child, you are nurturing and healing your own inner child. (The word playful adds up to 3).

Photo Credit: David MacKinnon, Cherry Blossoms, Kyoto, Japan



